The 5’W’s of Cannabis
In this first edition of Reefer’s Digest we are going to explore some of the ‘What’s about Marijuana, Cannabis and Hemp. If you’re like me, you knew they each had something to do with, “Weed.” Not a very scientific bit of knowing, but most informative discussions were never had as we were mostly about hiding what we enjoyed. Not drawing attention was the usual way. Good thing nature is so beautifully patient and to know that, Time does tell.
So here we are, we have so much to learn from her and now perceptions have begun to change. People are feeling more free and confident to ask and explore and be educated about what exactly is going into their bodies. That is why we are super excited to be here to light up your answers and in turn your ability to make new, in-formed choices.
So let us start here:
What is Cannabis?
It is a type of flowering plant that comes from the Cannabaceae family. This family has about 11 genre (types) and 170 species.
What is Hemp?
Hemp is used to refer to varieties of Cannabis, cultivated for non-drug use.
Hemp and Marijuana have become terms accepted by the culture to describe kinds of Cannabis.
What is the difference between Hemp and Marijuana?
Marijuana growers focus on the power of the flower.
While fibre is the focus of industrial Hemp growers.
Hemp is the strongest natural fibre in the world! It can be made into fabric, plastics, Hempcrete, biofuels and the list goes on.
Hemp was once accepted as a form of currency. Farmers could pay their tax bill with it instead of selling it for cash.
In the 14-1500’s Henry Vlll, King of England made hemp cultivation the law of the land. Farmers had to grow a quarter acre of hemp for every sixty acres of crops they grew.
To an untrained eye these Cannabis plants can look very similar. The difference is in the breeding.
Marijuana contains 0.3% THC or more. Up to 30%
Hemp varieties contain 0.3% THC or less. It has no euphoric properties.
What is THC?
THC is short for tetrahydrocannabinol.
Roger Adams a renowned organic chemist discovered this molecule in 1940.
THC molecule (a very small particle) is responsible for a long list of Marijuana’s therapeutic effects. The more common are Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, Antiemetic, Antioxidant, Neuroprotective, Antispasmodic, Bronchodilator, Antipruritic just to name a few. It really helps ease pain.
It is also the molecule that was propagandized to impose fear during prohibition because of its, infamous high effects.
Actually the high is very famous and delightful.
Cannabinoids in nature are quite rare. In Cannabis they are extremely abundant. THC being the most prevalent, famous and researched cannabinoid to date.
In its natural state THC exists in the Cannabis plant as Delta-9, Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid (THC-A)
The another super natural healing component is called; CBD, Cannabidiolic Acid (CBD-A).
In these natural acidic forms, your body cannot process THC-A and CBD-A.
What is CBD?
CBD, Cannabidiol is the other major cannabinoid in Cannabis.
Unlike THC, CBD won’t make you “high.”
CBD can lower the psychoactive effects caused by THC.
CBD has been known to benefit a broad range of psychological disorders, such as anxiety, depression, and even schizophrenia.
CBD has shown great results in treating certain forms of paediatric epilepsy, such as Dravet syndrome as well as help to reduce seizure frequency in children with other seizure disorders.
CBD has neuroprotective effects, meaning it can help protect the brain from damage after injury.
Like THC, CBD also reduces pain and inflammation in the body.
THC-A and CBD-A need to be processed by a heat source to decarb the acid which converts the cannabinoids into their optimum form so it can be used by your bodies ‘natural’ endo-cannabinoid system. Smoking or vaping these cannabinoids is a form of decarboxylation.
What is decarboxylation?
The process of heating marijuana at specific temperatures to obtain activated THC and CBD.
What is my Endo-Cannabinoid System?
Your Endo-Cannabinoid System (ECS) is a complex cell-signalling system. Researchers exploring THC in the early 90’s identified it as part of your bodies nervous system. It is active in your body even if you don’t use cannabis.
What are Endocannabinoids?
Endocannabinoids, also called endogenous cannabinoids, they are molecules made by your body. They’re similar to Marijuana cannabinoids. Why did no one ever teach me this before. We are more powerful than we know.
Perhaps grade 12 biology would have enlightened me in other ways instead of sneaking out to get high. Imagine how different we would be treating our bodies if we were educated not discriminated against to learn about the synergy between our bodies and nature medicine.
Cannabinoids are amazing they regulate a whole range of our human functions like sleep, mood, appetite, memory, reproduction, fertility and more.
Cannabinoids are the most important chemicals in Marijuana they are the chemicals which give the cannabis plant its medical and recreational properties.
What are Endocannabinoid receptors?
There are two main Endocannabinoid receptors:
1. CB1 receptors, mostly found in the central nervous system
2. CB2 receptors, mostly found in your peripheral nervous system, especially immune cells
Endocannabinoids bind to them in order to signal that the EC system needs to take action either one is able to bind to both receptors.
Depending on where the receptor is located and which Endocannabinoid it binds to will determine the results within your body.
Example, Endocannabinoids can target CB1 receptors in a spinal nerve to relieve pain while others might bind to a CB2 receptor in your immune cells to signal that your body’s experiencing inflammation.
If you made it this far hooray and if you want to know more we are thrilled to make Reefer's Digest your place to turn to for fun, creativity and learning. Our mission is to do this by sharing stories and insights. Please leave your comments and questions so we may travel together around planet earth, expanding our minds and our choices. Let's do our best to do it with compassion and respect. Smoke em if you got em! Thanks for being here. Thanks for being You!