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Amotivational Syndrome

Studies reveal how flawed studies are, about You and Cannabis.

Maybe it’s just as simple as this statement. If you’re lazy when you smoke weed, you were probably lazy before. If you read this in an article based on facts; (verifiable truth;reality) will you let this belief decide your fate? Do you believe your value is based on a study that says, “The more you do, the more you’re worth.”

First of all you have the unconditional right to believe what you want to. If it doesn’t feel good though, why go through life feeling defeated based on how humans judge the worthiness of themselves, against other humans. Everyone is creating their own path, only you can decide what you pave yours with.

Let’s take a trip back to 1968 when the, “not entirely official term,” Amotivational Syndrome was first coined to create an image of young people that were frequent consumers of Marijuana. You live in your parents basement, you lack a desire to work, you play video games and smoke weed all day. Reefer Madness!

Later studies suggested that Amotivational Syndrome is just as likely in 5-6% of the population regardless if they use Weed or not. Another study, supported the findings and found there was no difference in motivation.This Syndrome is not a thing.

What are Facts? Synonym: Inside information.

Humans have been bombarded all their lives with facts that are supposed to convey ‘the’ truth. 

Any one can line up facts on a chart or a graph and everyone has the right to believe them. That’s a fact.

What if you don’t believe the facts? What if they don’t feel “true” to who you are? 

What if you are a daily toker and you have lived your life in harmony with Marijuana and your decisions and actions. How many people have labeled you because media and people with 'credentials' have declared their truth about the facts. 

How were these facts obtained? There are many ways to graph and arrange facts so they represent a result that matches a narrative that has already been declared, ‘The’ Truth. 

Perhaps facts are the method used to programme ideas into our consciousness that we would not otherwise believe.

Turns out we don’t ask enough questions, we simply re-act to what we are programmed to receive.

My mind just went to the lyrics in Hotel California by the Eagles; "Last thing I remember, I was running for the door I had to find the passage back to the place I was before 'Relax' said the night man, We are programmed to receive. You can check out any time you like. But you can never leave!"

Why according to the High Times article on this topic did former presidents Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan support and “hype up” this narrative in the late 60’s and beyond?  

Marijuana and it’s endurance to shine through the pain, the mislabeling, the misinformed facts, is truly a beautiful platform for the awakening path of every human being as we remember that we all have 525,600 minutes in every year to decide, What Is Your Truth Today? 

Smoke that thought in your mind.


The 5’W’s of Cannabis


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