High Friends!
Are you curious to know more about Hemp/Marijuana like what does the word Terpene have to do with our delicious Low Cloud products?
What are your flavour buds pairing up with today? So roll one up, relax your mind, come on in and join me as we explore why your subconscious guides your brain to choose the terpenes your nose and inner knowing knows it prefers.
Terpenes are molecules responsible for the unique aroma of cannabis. Our human senses are aroused by the smells and flavors created by these natural molecular arrangements.
It’s why we stick our noses first into that delicious jar of nature's medicine. Breathe in ahhhhh. You know exactly what I mean.
Did you know that terpenes are the primary components of essential oils which have been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years?
These smelly molecules not only make us feel good, they are also responsible for a plant’s regeneration, oxygenation, and immunity defense. So, it only makes sense that humans who consume these compounds and the plants that produce them would benefit from these components as potential immunity boosters too.
Not only that but terpenes also support the ‘other’ cannabis molecules to produce those complimentary desired effects we all love to love. This is called the entourage effect.
As we speak, scientific research is well underway to study this entourage effect as it suggests that terpenes also play a considerable role in modifying the intoxicating effects of THC and that they also create a synergy with phytocannabinoids (a word for another topic of discussion) possibly increasing their therapeutic value.
I bet you did not know that a cannabis plant can have over 200 terpenes. Most are not detectable by the human senses. The ones you will recognize are; skunk, of course, diesel, citrus, wood and pine, coffee, herbal, spicy and tropical.
Every human brain subconsciously has preferences for a particular terpene profile so we generally choose by smell. But, at the end of the joint… whether consuming for personal or medical use, we all go to cannabis for the same thing — the effect.
So this is why ‘we’ at Low Cloud have taken time to survey your minds and find out what pairings will tantalize your brain buds so you can have some fun with experiencing a unique ensemble experience.
With so many thoughts about Nature's medicine here is one that I love the best. Some recent scientific musings around the terpene subject have dared to name them as extraordinary components and have called them the "quintessential fifth element, life force, or spirit.
Hmmm I wonder what they were smoking while writing their scientific notes.
Personally I relate to these thoughts about terpenes more than most of the other stuff. But, isn’t it all interesting just the same and it’s cool to know some things about what you are putting into your body and why.
Low Cloud guarantees to use only the highest quality of botanical terpenes (compounds found in everyday plants like fruits, herbs, and spices) vs. the traditional synthetic terpenes that are currently on the market.
So stay lifted and experience Low Cloud products and have fun exploring your own "sense-sational" experience.